Dear Dot ™

Dear Dot is here to answer all your sustainable living questions from her perch on the porch. Got a question for Dot? Send her a note for a chance to be featured in an upcoming post.

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Dear Dot: How Do I Reduce My Microplastics?

  Dot tackles your thorniest questions from a perch on her porch. Dear Dot,  I’ve been reading about the volume of microplastics in our oceans and waterways, and am concerned about what can be done to reduce my...

Dear Dot: What’s the deal with eco-friendly laundry detergents?

Dot tackles your thorniest questions from a perch on her porch. Dear Dot, Ads for laundry strips have been showing up in my Facebook feed, touting their eco-friendliness. Do they work? Also … what are laundry strips? –The...

Dear Dot: What’s the deal with eco-friendly laundry detergents?

Dot tackles your thorniest questions from a perch on her porch. Dear Dot, Ads for laundry strips have been showing up in my Facebook feed, touting their eco-friendliness. Do they work? Also … what are laundry strips? –The...



Sayonara, Single-Use Water Bottles?

New York City water is well-known for good water, with some calling it the “champagne of tap water.” Climate-minded lawmakers want everyone to use...

The Birds and the Bugs: World Migratory Bird Day 2024

As the Cornell Lab of Ornithology recently said, “The Birds are Coming!” The world spring bird migration is underway. In our Western Hemisphere, officially...

The Dirt on Synthetic Turf

The 2026 Men’s FIFA World Cup final will shake up the New York Metro Area in numerous ways. Notably, MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford,...

Your May Greenmarket Guide

If April showers bring May flowers, then May flowers bring fresh produce. This is the first month when crops really begin to come in...

EPA Will Finally Fix Poisonous Plumes in Greenpoint and East Williamsburg

Federal EPA officials said they will spend a million dollars on a five-year plan to measure and mitigate poisonous vapors that may have “potentially...